Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wall Street     
this book portrays the landscape and power that wall street is seen by people
To the End of the Land
this book is really ironic and the image although does not necessarily relate to the title, the image is fun
The Cruel Radiance this book looks extremely sad, but it makes the reader want to see more in the life of the girl
I Was a Dancer

this book has nice cool colors with matching font color that is very cute and free-a symbol of dance

this book is very cute looking and makes a simple thing such as milk more fun

Similarities: these book covers are all captivating and give the book a sense of character and individulaity. All these books have a color theme that is prominent throughout the image

Differences:all these books have different typography that convey different emotions and feelngs when reading them

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The book is successful in capturing the book's main idea because the cute and bubbly illustration expresses the story of young love. In addition, it captures a very important scene in the book where simple quotations were said. In addition, the colors are very simple but also symbolize the changes that the characters go through throughout the story

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The most challenging aspect of creating my logo design was finding a way to create a logo that could conform to the gay straight alliance's original ideas and logo of the rainbow and also incorporating my own version of the groups's message to others. In addition, transferring those ideas to the computer program was difficult because the effects were not as i imagined them to be and hard to create.
I overcame these challanges by attempting to merge my ideas into one simple image. Making the idea of the rainbow pominent in the logo, while also adding the hands on the side.

Monday, February 23, 2015

over break, I did not do anything productive because i felt like it was a time for break and relaxation. After finishing watching all my favorite shows on Netflix, I decided to do some homework and study. When it was Chinese New Year, I was hype cause my parents gave me money, then we had to go to a Buddhist temple. I also visited my grandma because she's old. However, on the weekends I attended SAT prep and it was horrible because i had to wake up super duper early to walk in the bitter cold to the school and stay there for the whole day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

1.Cooper hewwit museum. Other art around this was inventions and technology that was modern and advanced with many different forms ,such as wheelchairs.

2. This artwork was very interesting. I love the smooth design and how compact everything appeared. In addition, the typeface on the products were very cute and reminded me of a retro design.

3. I do not know the artist