Tuesday, December 16, 2014

One of my favorite logo, that I own is the coco cola label.The coco cola label is very well designed because of its distinct, vibrant colors and incorporation of letters. It is a simple logo, but it catches the eye and makes you remember the brand even if you've only seen it for one second. It is a combination logo so it has both elements of design and writing so it makes it easier for viewers to remember the logo and company.The logo is extremely classic and cultured and symbolizes an iconic brand of America

from the best logo list, I found this veterinarian logo especially interesting because it was very creative. At first glance, the viewers see an outline of a dog and rabbit with very simple colors and designs, bu as the viewer looks deeper, they see that the dog and rabbit has a cat included in between. This image is strong and powerful because it allows for viewers to imagine other animals that could be taken care of in this organization and make themself aware of the power of this company.
Veterinaire by Caoline Remy

1 comment:

  1. Hey deer, I see we have chosen the same logo: veterinaire! I too found it interesting and a smart design for their idea.
