Sunday, December 21, 2014


           The Gay Straight Alliance at Millennium High school is a club that focuses on the inclusion of people in a community. The club emphasizes on the significance of teamwork, community, and most importantly respect. the club meets every Wednesday in room 1111 to discuss different problems and personal stories. the club members share ideas about social problems and to find probable solutions. The members respect each other as well as maintain confidentiality within the club so everyone feels safe and welcomed.

Questions for the club:
    What are some images you would like to include in the logo?
   Phoenix (Millennium Logo)
     What does the club focus on?
      Creating a safe community for all sexuality.
      Allow everyone to be comfortable no matter who they are

     Wat are some recurring themes that the club explores?
     no judgement, community, teamwork

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

One of my favorite logo, that I own is the coco cola label.The coco cola label is very well designed because of its distinct, vibrant colors and incorporation of letters. It is a simple logo, but it catches the eye and makes you remember the brand even if you've only seen it for one second. It is a combination logo so it has both elements of design and writing so it makes it easier for viewers to remember the logo and company.The logo is extremely classic and cultured and symbolizes an iconic brand of America

from the best logo list, I found this veterinarian logo especially interesting because it was very creative. At first glance, the viewers see an outline of a dog and rabbit with very simple colors and designs, bu as the viewer looks deeper, they see that the dog and rabbit has a cat included in between. This image is strong and powerful because it allows for viewers to imagine other animals that could be taken care of in this organization and make themself aware of the power of this company.
Veterinaire by Caoline Remy

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

the most frustrating aspect of this project was trying to make sure that when editing one layer, the other does not change. Because I am not adjusted to new technology, it is hard for me to understand so many new concepts. In addition, creating certain lines and curves were hard because they never came out perfect. Therefore, my symbol was simple and straight to the point. After completing the project I felt that I was most confident with the eraser and paint brush tool because those were the most simple concepts that allows me to use my own gestures other than computer generated. I wish I was better at using the layers tool because it is important in creating fluent transitions and ultimately a good gif. If i were to use photoshop again, I would want to create a brand symbol that expresses myself and my label through the art piece. It would be fun and an expressive way and could be used in real life.

Monday, October 20, 2014

I am interested in Hannah Hoch because . Although her art does seem to be computer generated, it can be clearly distinguished that they are graphic designs. Her art really captures the eye because it uses minimal colors and recycled paper but they compliment each other so well that it evokes a sense of happiness. She incorporates everyday images that we see on magazines and newspaper that look so complete together. Her art existed during the Weimer period before Hitler was elected. During the Weimer peiod, Germany was technologically superior compared to other countries. Her art reflects the modern art that the advanced country lead to. Hoch impacted graphic design today because her art was not only a form of aesthetic appeal, but also it presented an idea of political opinion. THis reminds us that graphic design should express emotions and perspective of our emotions.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Something that inspires me...
    My visit to the rural side of China inspired me to think beyond what I knew living in New York CIty. It inspired me to realize how big the world is. Being without technology, I began to realize how people can spend time creating real impacts for others. Because I did not have the ability to use the internet, I was forced to find ways to entertain myself. I went outside to explore new animals plants, and experienced a new culture. I couldnt believe that I could survive at first, but I actually enjoyed it more than my urban lifestyle back at home. Despite the mosquito bits, humidity, and bugs, I was inspired by the beauty of nature.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

1. To create my finished letter piece, I had to follow many specific steps and procedures. First, I set up the borders of the margins and focal point using straightedge objects. Next, I started sketching the boxes that formed the M with a pencil and ruler. Next, I outlined the sketch with dark black pen and also started creating the designs within the blocks. I created many curves and swirls incorporated throughout the entire "M" letter. After erasing the pencil marks, I began to add color to the designs; for the flame-looking swirls, I applied a bold red color and made sure that it was blended well so that the color would stand out. For the swirls I only applied color to the first layer of some of them because I did not want to take the attention away from the bold red color.Finally, I was done! This process was helpful because it allowed me to add on new concepts or ideas I wanted since I applied colors last.

2. I came to my concept because I wanted to create a mysterious mythological design of dragons. I wanted my drawing to have the beautiful repetitive patterns similar to that of a dragons skin. The firey swirls were an addition to the theme of ancient dragons that released flames.

3. The most challenging aspect of this project was incorporating concepts into my letter. It was hard to come up with an idea that could represent the design of my letter since I was more focused on patterns.

4. I am satisfied with the final result of my project because I was able to include both ideas of my drawing into one drawing. I admired how the design of the letter was very mesmerizing and bold.

5. If I could change my design in any way, I would have  created more sharper lines and edges by creating one straight line rather than putting individual squares together; that way the lines of the letter would be straighter.

Monday, September 22, 2014

my blog is about the beauty of being spontaneous in art